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There are certified simulators and ionizing radiation sources, a widespread base of state-of-the-art diagnostic equipment and measuring instruments, as well as a proprietary metrology service that allow conducting studies and tests of the electronic and radio electronic equipment products for the radiation induced factors of all kinds.

The Radiation Test Management Structure

  +7 (495) 663-90-95, extens. 42-48
  +7 (495) 663-90-95, extens. 41-64
  +7 (495) 663-90-95, extens. 41-10


  • Research and radiation tests of the electronic component base (ECB) and radio electronic equipment (REE) of military and space hardware subjects.
  • Testing of electronic equipment products for ionizing radiation resistance.
  • Testing of electronic equipment products for electric strength.
  • Research to advance electronic equipment product radiation resistance.
  • Research for development and creation of new ECB and REE radiation strength evaluating methods.
  • Research works in the area of development of test methods, the study of radiation effects in electronic equipment products based on new physical principles and new materials.
  • Development and approval of test procedures measuring nuclear power, isotope and electrophysical facility ionizing radiation field characteristics.
  • Carrying of research and development works in the area of radiation resistance of electronic and radio electronic equipment products.
  • Development and research of ionizing radiation detectors.
  • Initiation of automated test systems controlling the electronic equipment product metrics.
  • Development of programs and procedures of the electronic and radio electronic equipment product tests, the electronic equipment product metric controlling methods (under the ionizing radiation effect as well).
  • Expert evaluation and issue of reviews on the radiation resistance of the electronic equipment products.

Diagnostic Equipment and Measuring Means
for Carrying Radiation Tests of all ECB Classes

  • General Instrumentation and Control System Formula TT2
    is dedicated for automated verification of static parameters of semi-conductor devices: field-effect and bipolar transistors, diodes, p-n-p-n switches, voltage regulator tubes, optic couplers, and micro-assemblies.
  • The HF3-512 FORMULA® Analyzer
    is dedicated for the operational and parametric check of the fast-speed widespread assortment VLSI integration: microcontrollers, static and dynamic memory (storage device), VLSI integration on gate-array chips, ASICs, field-programmable gate array (FPGA), etc. with the number of signaling output leads up to 256/512 and performance frequency up to 200 MHz.
    The Formula TT2 and FORMULA® HF3–512 analyzers are used with the “Thermostream” type system in order to provide temperature condition of products upon measuring.
  • The B1505A Analyzer/Curve-Tracing Oscilloscope
    is used for studying characteristics of semiconductor elements and IC chips. The limits for voltage setting and measuring: from 1 mkV to 3 kV, the limits for current setting and measuring: from 10 fA to 1 A.
  • Instrumentation and Control Systems based on Modular PXI Devices
    is used for setting modes and measuring the parameters of all ECB classes. Modular system allows to promptly configure the measuring complex for current tasks. The LabVIEW software allows creating complex systems of automated parameter measurement and controlling the whole list of acceptance parameter-criteria during actual tests.

  • The configurable system based on the Keysight B2902A power sources, high-energy N6705C series power sources and Keysight N3300A series electronic capacities
    Is applied for testing powerful devices, such as derivative power sources, stabilizing devices, radio electronic equipment, etc.
  • 140080, Lytkarino
  • 8 Turaevo Industrial Area.
  • +7 (495) 663-90-95
  • +7 (495) 663-90-74